Life Events
Baptism marks the start of the Christian journey, as we join the Christian community and become a follower of Jesus Christ. It’s about belonging and commitment; a sign of God’s commitment to us and of our commitment to him. In the baptism of an infant the godparents take on this commitment on the child’s behalf.
Many parents bring their child for baptism - also known as Christening - soon after their birth as a way of giving thanks to God and to express their desire to bring up the child in the Christian faith. They recognise too that their child will need the love and support of parents, godparents and the whole of the Christian family.
Baptisms can take place in all of our churches. If you’d like to explore the possibility for you or your child, please contact the parish office for more information. We’d love to hear from you and to arrange for one of our Lay Pastoral Assistants to visit you to talk about baptism.
For more information please visit:
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As a child grows and matures in faith and understanding, they may wish to confirm for themselves the promises made on their behalf at their baptism. At a service of Confirmation, the bishop will lay hands on them, asking God to defend them with his Holy Spirit, that they will grow daily in their faith and love of God. In advance of a service, preparation classes are held and, again, if you would like to know more, please be in touch with the parish office.
To learn more about Confirmation please visit:
A church wedding is a deeply meaningful and significant occasion, in which promises are made in the presence of God to love each other and to receive his blessing on your future life together. If you would like to know more about getting married in any of our churches, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the parish office and we will be happy to answer you questions and send you a form to complete with all the details, including your qualifying connections to the parish.
You might also like to visit the Church of England’s wedding website at:
For an enquiry form please click link or copy to browser:
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If you have been bereaved and would value support from our clergy or team of Lay Pastoral Assistants, or would like to discuss arrangements for a funeral or memorial service, please contact the parish office. We want to do all that we can to support and stand with you in your time of loss.
Helpful information can also be found at:
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